President of Germany - Frank Walter Steinmeier .

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier is a German politician who served as the President of Germany 

    Frank Walter Steinmeier was born on January 5, 1956 in Detmold, West Germany. 

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier is a German politician who served as the President of Germany from 2017 to 2022. He was previously the Minister for Foreign Affairs from 2005 to 2009 and again from 2013 to 2017, and was also the Vice Chancellor of Germany from 2007 to 2009.

    Steinmeier began his political career as an advisor to the state government of Lower Saxony. He later served as the chief of staff for Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and then as the Minister for Foreign Affairs under Chancellor Angela Merkel. In 2017, Steinmeier was elected as the President of Germany by the Federal Assembly, and took office on March 19, 2017. He is a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)

    Education Background 

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier studied law at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. After completing his studies, he worked as a research assistant at the same university, 1991.

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier is a German politician who has had a long and accomplished career in public service. He is known for his pragmatic approach to politics and his commitment to building strong relationships with other countries. He is also known for his commitment to social democracy and progressive values. As a person, he is generally seen as a serious and thoughtful individual, who is well-respected by his peers and the German public. He is also seen as a good listener and a strong communicator. Throughout his career, he has been dedicated to working for the benefit of the German people, and has gained a reputation as a dedicated and hardworking public servant.

    Lifestyle and Family

    However, as a public figure and  President, he likely maintains a busy schedule and has a significant amount of public engagements and responsibilities. As for his family, he is married to Elke Büdenbender, a judge and former civil servant, and they have a daughter together. It is known that he is a passionate reader and his favourite books are works of contemporary literature. He also likes to spend his free time going for walks and enjoying nature.

    Steinmeier was the son of a carpenter and a factory worker. As a student, he attended meetings of the Young Socialists, the SPD’s youth wing, regularly, and, after finishing high School in Blomberg in 1974, he joined the SPD. In 1980 he received a law and politics degree from the University of Giessen, where he joined the faculty in 1986 while working on his doctoral dissertation (1991) on state intervention and homelessness. He left academia shortly thereafter and turned to politics.

    He took a position in the media law and policy division of the state chancellery of Lower Saxony, where he quickly progressed to head the office of then-premier Gerhard Schroder in 1993. When Schröder became federal chancellor in 1998, Steinmeier followed him, taking a job in the chancellery and becoming commissioner for the federal intelligence service. After the head of the chancellery withdrew, Steinmeier took over the position. He became one of Schröder’s most trusted advisers, the author of a white paper on retirement reform and tax reform, and a decisive  voice in a series of economic reforms known as Agenda 2010.

    Facts About Frank-Walter

    An interesting fact about Frank-Walter Steinmeier is that he was the first Social Democratic Party (SPD) candidate to win the presidential election in Germany since the Second World War. He was elected as President of Germany by the Federal Assembly in 2017, making him the 12th President of the Federal Republic of Germany. This was considered a significant political achievement for the SPD, as it had been out of power for several years prior to Steinmeier's election. Additionally, Steinmeier had previously served as the Minister for Foreign Affairs and was also the Vice Chancellor of Germany from 2007 to 2009.

    In 2009 the CDU-CSU and the FDP won enough parliamentary seats to form a governing coalition without the SPD. Steinmeier then was selected as parliamentary head of the SPD in its new role as an opposition party. In August 2010 he stepped aside as parliamentary leader of the SPD to donate a kidney to his ailing wife; the transplant was a success, and Steinmeier returned to politics later that year. The CDU-CSU fell just short of winning an absolute majority in the 2013 federal election, but the FDP failed to clear the five percent threshold  needed to secure representation in parliament. Months of negotiation yielded another grand coalition government  under Merkel, and Steinmeier was once again made foreign minister. Joachim Gauk, who had served as German president since 2012, announced in June 2016 that he would not pursue a second term, and Steinmeier quickly emerged as a favourite to succeed him. At a special assembly of parliamentarians and representatives from Germany’s federal states held in February 2017, Steinmeier was elected by an overwhelming majority, and he took office as president the following month.